
Hi everyone:

As I write this, I’m at Mono Lake in glorious autumn weather. Some clouds for drama but mostly blue skies. The Eastern Sierra is one of the prettiest places on Earth.  Every October I lead a couple of trips  here —  phalaropes, beaver dams, eared grebes, golden aspens, hot springs, volcanoes, tufa towers and sublime crisp days. My first journey here was in 1978 and I’ve been coming back ever since.

Remember you can opt out anytime  from  these little blogs of mine. But if you want to get on the friends and family list, let me know.  You will more frequently hear from me and get first dibs on trips , etc.  You will not get inundated, I promise.   

Two of my Tanzania safaris are full but I still have room on the first departure - January 13th. Let me know if this is your time to see the wonders of the Serengeti. I am leaving soon for my second trip the Antartica and the South Georgia Islands. Getting very excited. I am not leading the trip just going as a client. 

Yes, this was my 18th trip to Burning Man. And not in spite of, but because of the rain and mud it was one of the best Burns ever. Just ignore the media. Nobody got Ebola, it was not God’s wrath and cannibalism did not happen. People came together, helped one another. True radical self-reliance. It was all the good things about Burning Man. It’s a complicated event for sure but there’s nothing like it on the planet Earth


El Pulpo- the flaming Octopus. Note the law enforcement officer taking a photo. 

This last photo was taken right from my trailer. She kept exclaiming this was her first Burn and she loved it!

This unbelievably colorful feature at  Fly Ranch is right near Burning Man.  

Music is balm for my soul (and mental health). I found a great Spotify playlist- Ecstatic Feminine Energy Dance. Just one sample

 OMG!!! Beavers are so ….. wait for it…… CUTE! Yes I said it. 

Many of you are passionate users of I-naturalist. Here is a new manifestation. 

My dear friends, Mama Simba, a.k.a. Jeannette Hanby, and David Bygott, lived in Northern Tanzania for nearly 30 years. Jeanette help me lead my first tours in East Africa. They moved back to the United States, but wrote a couple of delightful books (Spirited Oasis and Beyond the Oasis) about their time in that wonderful birthplace of humankind. They have just been in CA launching Jeannette’s latest book, Feathered Canyons, about her 1960s adventures in Big Sur and gold-mining on the Feather River. Learn more here.

Time lapse penis fungus (just because).

I love podcasts here are a few of my favorites. This American Life, Hidden Brain, Ear Hustle, Freakonomics, People I Mostly Admire, Terry Gross NPR Show, The Writers Almanac. All of these make cleaning the kitchen so much more bearable (actually I like cleaning). 

 October 14th!!!! Exactly 6 months later is a TOTAL solar eclipse.

Wow that is one big fish. Maybe two worlds records.

Bob Newhart is still kicking. One of my fave skits. I think we all have just wanted to say this. 

Factitos about cheetahs.

General Milley unloads on Trump. Hope yet!


We have calcium in our bones,

iron in our veins,

carbon in our souls,

and nitrogen in our brains.

93 Percent stardust,

with souls made of flames,

we are all just stars

that have people names.

Nikita Gill

 ALMA RAE ELLIS… made of stardust….

A song for us grandparents, Belinda Carlisle  is singing about her lover BUT substitute your little grandkid in the lyrics. It holds up and so full of joy. A classic.


Michael Ellis


Lake Leonard, again!
